Texas and Mid Atlantic USTA Sectionals

Team’s with strongest TLA ratings dominated.

Mid-Atlantic and Texas Section Championships wrapped up Sunday. The teams with the highest Tennis League Analytics (TLA) ratings dominated.

USTA tennis league rating statistics texas

In Mid-Atlantic 18 & Over 3.0 - 4.5:

  • Women’s 4.5 TLA’s highest rated team won the flight.

  • Women’s 4.0 TLA’s highest rated team won the flight. Flight winner went 5-0. All other teams 2-3.

  • Women’s 3.5 TLA’s highest rated team won the flight.

  • Women’s 3.0 TLA’s top two teams finished 1 and 2.

  • Men’s 4.5 TLA’s highest rated team won the flight.

  • Men’s 4.0 TLA’s highest rated team won the flight.

  • Men’s 3.5 TLA’s highest rated team finished tied for second with three other teams at 2-2. Virginia 2 won with 3-1 record.

  • Men’s 3.0 TLA’s top two teams finished 3rd and 2nd.

In Texas Adult 18 & Over 4.0 - 4.5

  • Women’s 4.5 TLA’s second highest rated team won their flight as expected and won the section.

  • Women’s 4.0 TLA’s highest rated team in each of the four flights won the flight. The second highest rated team won the section.

  • Men’s 4.5 TLA’s highest rated team in two of the three flights won the flight - one was a toss-up. The second highest rated team won the section.

  • Men’s 4.0 TLA’s highest rated team in three of the four flights won the flight. In the fourth flight we said the teams were close and the second highest team won.

The Tennis League Analytics top rated team in 11 of the 13 flights won the flight - in two of these flights we wrote that the teams were close and the second of the two won the flight.

Congratulations to the new section champions!

Stay tuned for more sectionals championship coverage this week.

Texas Sectionals - Adult 18 & Over 4.0 - 4.5

Strongest Teams by Championship Event and Flights

USTA Texas Section Championships for 18 & Over 4.0 - 4.5 take place August 11 - 13, 2017 in Richardson, TX. Direct links to flight standings and match results are at the bottom of this post.

USTA tennis league rating statistics texas

All the teams are very good and any team has a chance to beat any other team. Here are the teams that look the strongest.

Women’s 4.5
8 teams in 2 flights

Top teams:
1. Austin
2. Dallas
4. San Antonio

Flight 1: Dallas - tough flight with 3 of top 4 teams.
Flight 2: Austin

Women’s 4.0
16 teams in 4 flights

Top teams:
1. Wild Austin
2. Wild Dallas
3. Austin
4. Wild Houston
5. Dallas
6. Houston

Flight 1: Wild Austin
Flight 2: Houston or San Antonio - very close strength ratings
Flight 3: Wild Houston or Dallas - separated by one thousandth of a point
Flight 4: Wild Dallas has a slight Tennis League Analytics strength rating edge over Austin.

Wild Austin is the team to beat. The next 6 teams are very close to each other strength wise.

Men’s 4.5
12 teams in 3 flights

Top teams:
2. Houston
3. Austin
4. Lubbock
5. San Antonio
6. Dallas

Flight 1: Dallas or NETX - very close
Flight 2: SETX - the top two teams are in this flight but SETX is stronger.
Flight 3: Austin - tough flight with three of the top five teams.

Men’s 4.0
16 teams in 4 flights

Top teams:
1. Houston
2. San Antonio
3. Corpus Christi
4. Wild Houston
5. Austin
6. Waco

Flight 1: Corpus Christi or Wild Houston - separated by one ten-thousandth of a point.
Flight 2: Houston
Flight 3: San Antonio - toughest flight with 3 of the top six teams.
Flight 4: Wild Dallas has a slight strength edge over Fort Worth.

If I were to attend this event and could only watch one match, I’d watch the Corpus Christi vs Wild Houston lines.

Mid Atlantic Sectionals - Adult 18 & Over 3.0 - 4.5

Strongest Teams by Championship Event and Flights

USTA Mid Atlantic Section Championships for 18 & Over 3.0 - 4.5 take place August 11 - 13, 2017 in Newport News, VA.

Direct links to flight standings and match results are at the bottom of this post.

USTA tennis league rating statistics texas

All the teams are very good and any team has a chance to beat any other team. Here are the teams that look the strongest.

Women’s 4.5
5 teams in 1 flight

Top teams:

VA2 has a slight strength edge in Tennis League Analytics strength rating vs MD2. And DC is just behind them.

Women’s 4.0
6 teams in 1 flight

Top teams:
1. DC

VA1 and MD WC also have very good chances. Smart line up decisions and good scouting are always important but will be especially key in this event.

Women’s 3.5 
5 teams in 1 flight

Top teams:

This is a toss up - the top two teams are separated by a few thousandths of a point. One team has an edge in singles and the other in doubles.

Women’s 3.0 
5 teams in 1 flight

Top teams:

Women’s 3.0 has been the most difficult NTRP group to model.

Men’s 4.5
5 teams in 1 flight

Top teams:
1. DC

Men’s 4.0
5 teams in 1 flight

Top teams:
2. DC

Men’s 3.5
5 teams in 1 flight

Top teams:

Men’s 3.0
4 teams in 1 flight

Top teams:

VA1 and MD1 are within one hundredth of a point in strength rating.

For reports on Championship events taking place this weekend, Aug 11 to 13, please order by Wed Aug 9. Any report ordered Thursday or later will go out no earlier than Monday Aug 14.

The links below take you directly to each each flight?s standings and match results.

Women’s 4.5
   Women’s 4.0   Women’s 3.5   Women’s 3.0
Men’s 4.5    Men’s 4.0    Men’s 3.5    Men’s 3.0

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